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Why Colorado’s Cannabis Industry is Declining

Is the Colorado Cannabis Market Cashed?

The Struggle for the Colorado Cannabis Industry

Colorado’s cannabis industry, once a pioneer in the legal market, is now seeing a decline for the first time since its formation. Despite the initial success, the industry faces crashing prices and increased competition. Formed in 2014, Colorado was the fist state in the United States to legalize cannabis for adult use. In the early months many Colorado dispensaries had long lines out the door, grossing 6-7 figures every day in sales. Nowadays these very same dispensaries often find themselves struggling just to stay in business.

The end of Cannabis Tourism

Being the first state to legalize Cannabis for adult use certainly had its perks. This phenomenon attracted cannabis lovers all around the world to experience America’s first legal cannabis dispensaries. Fast forward 10 years later, 24 states in the US including DC have legalized cannabis for adult use, diluting Colorado’s claim to fame. The number of people traveling to Colorado solely for adult use Cannabis has drastically declined, effecting Colorado’s status as the hot spot for cannabis tourism.

Market Oversaturation

Since legalization, Colorado has seen a flood of cannabis businesses. The initial rush to enter the market led to an oversupply of cannabis products. According to a 2023 report by the Colorado Department of Revenue, the state’s cannabis production exceeded demand by 20%. This surplus has driven prices down, making it difficult for businesses to stay profitable.

Declining Prices

In the early years of Colorado’s legal cannabis market (2014-2016), prices were notably higher due to limited supply and high demand. During this period, the average wholesale cost of cannabis flower was around $2,000-$3000 per pound. As the market matured and more cultivators entered the scene, prices began to drop significantly. By 2023, the average price per pound of indoor grown cannabis had fallen to as low as $600 per pound, reflecting a broader trend of market saturation and increased competition. This drastic reduction in prices has impacted profitability for many businesses in the industry.

Increased Competition from Grey Market Hemp Products

While legal cannabis struggles with over saturation, the grey market for hemp-derived products has flourished. These products, often sold online and in unregulated markets, offer consumers a cheaper alternative. A study by New Frontier Data in 2023 found that grey market hemp products accounted for 30% of cannabis-related sales in Colorado. This competition has further eroded the market share of legal cannabis businesses.

Regulatory Challenges

Colorado’s regulatory framework, once seen as a model for other states to legalize cannabis, has become a double-edged sword. High compliance costs and complex regulations have created significant barriers for small businesses. A 2023 survey by the Colorado Cannabis Business Association revealed that 60% of respondents found regulatory compliance to be their biggest challenge. This has led to market consolidation, with larger companies absorbing smaller, struggling businesses.

Economic Impact of the Colorado Cannabis Industry Decline

The economic impact of these challenges is profound. Colorado’s cannabis tax revenue, which peaked in 2020, has seen a decline. In 2023, the state reported a 10% drop in cannabis tax revenue compared to the previous year. This decline has significant implications for state-funded programs that rely on this revenue.

Why Colorado’s Cannabis Industry is Struggling

In 2020, Colorado’s Cannabis peaked at a gross sales figure of $2.2 billion. Last year Colorado did $1.5 billion in sales, which indicates a significant decline in revenue. Was 2020 just a fluke for Colorados’ Cannabis industry? Remember, in 2020 there was a spike in cannabis sales due to COVID; people had a sudden cash infusion from the government stimulus checks and there was also mass panic buying due to a fear of state mandated closure of certain “non essential businesses.”

Still, the decline of Colorado’s cannabis industry is a complex issue, driven by myriad factors, such as market saturation, grey market competition, and more. As the industry continues to evolve, stakeholders must address these challenges to ensure long-term sustainability. Policymakers need to revisit regulatory frameworks to support small businesses and curb the influence of the grey market. Implementing lower taxes, and a lower barrier to entry for small businesses incentivizes legal and regulated cannabis sales and deters an otherwise robust black market.


  1. Colorado Department of Revenue, 2023 Report
  2. New Frontier Data, 2023 Study on Grey Market Hemp Products
  3. Colorado Cannabis Business Association, 2023 Survey

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